Mirror with birch bark frame with embossed image of “The Legend of Baikal”. Beautiful and pleasant to the touch
There is a legend associated with Baikal, the Angara, the only river that flows from it, and the Yenisei, which is one of three major rivers in Siberia. Old Baikal had 336 river children. All were men but Angara. She was young and beautiful, and her father loved her more than his other children. Once, Angara fell in love with handsome Yenisei and fled her father, following her adored lover. Baikal got furious. Trying to stop his rebel daughter, he threw a huge rock in her way. This stone is called the Shaman-Stone which is located in the upper Angara and considered the beginning of this river.
Diameter 8 cm
Производитель: | Мастерская «Берестяная грамота» |
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